calendar>>July 21. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Il Sung's Feats for Korea's Reunification Introduced
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- Organizations and media of different countries observed the 45th anniversary of the July 4 inter-Korean statement on July 3 and 4.

The Nigerian National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism posted on its website an article titled "General reunification principles for the nation that provided basic cornerstone for national reunification movement".

The publication of the July 4 joint statement is a precious fruition borne by President Kim Il Sung's steadfast idea of independent reunification and ardent patriotism, the article said, adding:

Thanks to the President who cherished the earnest national desire for the reunification and put his heart and soul into realizing it, the north-south high-level political talks were held at which the Three Principles of National Reunification were declared solemnly.

The June 15 joint declaration and the Oct. 4 declaration, provided through the two rounds of historic Pyongyang inter-Korean summits, are embodiment, succession and practical development of the Three Principles of National Reunification.

Myanmar's newspaper The Weekly Headline in an article titled "The cause of Korea's reunification" noted that the President had wisely led the work to settle the issue of the country's reunification by the Korean nation itself.

The internet homepage of the France-Korea Friendship Association introduced in detail the exploits of the President who opened up the bright prospect for the Korean nation's reunification movement by always adhering to the stand of national independence in the cause of national reunification and advancing the fair and aboveboard reunification proposals.

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