calendar>>July 26. 2017 Juche 106
Minju Joson Slams S. Korean Authorities for Tarnishing DPRK Image
Pyongyang, July 26 (KCNA) -- Recently, the south Korean authorities, including the minister of Foreign Affairs and the vice-minister of Unification, pulled up the DPRK when meeting the special rapporteur on "human rights issue in north Korea" on a visit to Seoul.

They said that the "serious human rights records in the north are a matter of great concern", crying out for "cooperation with the international community."

Minju Joson in a commentary Wednesday says that this is little short of an absurd, sinister reckless act motivated by the intention to tarnish the image of the DPRK winning victory after victory with each passing day by internationalizing "human rights issue in the north."

There was no "human rights issue" under the people-centered socialist system of the DPRK and, therefore, such issue can never exist under such system.

This being a hard reality, the south Korean authorities are pulling up the DPRK over the "serious human rights record", crying out for "cooperation with the international community".

Such thing is nothing but an intolerable mockery of justice and truth and a blatant insult to the inviolable human rights.

It is south Korea that is beset with the biggest human rights problems in the world.

South Koreans from all walks of life are now waging struggles for sovereignty, vital rights and democracy in the streets despite sweltering weather.

No matter what rhetoric the south Korean authorities may let out to hurt the DPRK, backed by foreign forces, they can never tarnish the image of socialism centered on the popular masses but their act only reveal their anti-reunification nature.

The south Korean authorities would be well advised to be well aware that if they persist in confrontation with fellow countrymen, persistently trumpeting about "human rights" racket against the DPRK, they would meet the same fate as the Park Geun Hye group.

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