calendar>>July 28. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Il Sung Praised in Different Countries, Regions
Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- Newspapers and internet homepages in different countries and regions devoted special write-ups on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.

The July issue of the German newspaper Rote Fahne carried an article illustrated with a portrait of the smiling President. The article said:

President Kim Il Sung was the founder of socialist Korea.

His career was the one devoted to building and strengthening socialism centered on the popular masses.

The feats he performed by constructing socialism centered on the popular masses, indicating the genuine road of building new society to the progressives and inspiring them with hope, confidence and courage will shine long.

The internet homepages of the Tanzanian newspaper Uhuru, the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association, the Anti-Imperialist Forum of Germany and the Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association carried articles titled "Immortal exploits, peerlessly great man", "Sun of mankind, father of all people", "Remembering the great man", etc, accompanied with the portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and his photos from July 5 to 8.

The websites of the German Group for the Study of Korean Culture, the France-Korea Friendship Association, the Madrid Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Spain, the Peruvian-Korean Institute of Culture and Friendship and the African Regional Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People headquartered in Nigeria posted articles titled "Outstanding leader in 20th century", "With the belief in the people as in Heaven", "Peerlessly great man" from June 29 to July 8.

The articles said that humankind's reverence for the President is growing deeper with each passing day and praised him as a brilliant thinker and theoretician who left the most vivid mark in the history of human thought, an extraordinary strategist who defeated the U.S. and Japanese imperialists in one generation and an elder statesman in the 20th century.

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