calendar>>July 28. 2017 Juche 106
Rodong Sinmun Assails U.S. for Persisting in Sanctions and Pressure on DPRK
Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is building up a world opinion that the DPRK's successful test-launch of ICBM Hwasoong-14 poses a "threat to the world," a pretext for cooking up a "resolution on the toughest sanctions" at the UNSC, Rodong Sinmun says in a commentary Friday.

It goes on:

It was the U.S. long-standing hostile policy toward the DPRK that compelled it to test-fire an intercontinental ballistic rocket.

The U.S. has enforced the policy hostile toward the DPRK, regarding it as an enemy since it occupied south Korea.

The U.S. remains unchanged in its ambition to stifle the DPRK and make the Korean peninsula a bridgehead for carrying out the strategy for dominating Asia-Pacific.

The DPRK has bolstered up its nuclear deterrent to cope with the moves of the U.S. for aggression and its nuclear threats and blackmail escalating day by day.

The sophism that the DPRK's test-launch of ICBM poses a "threat to the world" reminds one of a thief crying "Stop the thief!"

It is the most vicious gangster-like act for the U.S., the most heinous nuclear criminal and poser of nuclear threat, to say this or that about a threat as a permanent member of the UNSC.

It is as foolish an act as digging its own grave with its own hands that the U.S. is persisting with the sanctions and pressure on the DPRK, not properly understanding the highest strategic position of the DPRK.

The U.S. would be well advised to ponder over the declaration of the DPRK that if another "sanctions resolution" is fabricated at the UNSC, the DPRK would take the follow-up measures and react to it with just actions.

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