calendar>>October 3. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korea: Regime Accused of Disregarding Evils
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- The Confederation of Trade Unions, the Action for Checking THAAD Deployment and other various organizations in south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on Sept. 29 to protest the puppet government avoiding the work for abolishing evils, according to the south Korean internet paper Jaju Sibo.

Additional deployment of THAAD did not make the Korean peninsula safe but more dangerous and arms introduction is increasing, the speakers stated.

They urged the regime to probe the truth behind the Ferry Sewol disaster, punish those responsible for the death of Paek Nam Gi and ensure rights to trade unions.

Although Park Geun Hye was ousted and the "president" was changed, the society remains unchanged, they said, adding they keenly understood that the present "government" is no better than the Park Geun Hye regime.

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