calendar>>October 3. 2017 Juche 106
Foundation Day of Korea Marked
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- An event for celebrating the Foundation Day of Korea took place in front of the Mausoleum of King Tangun on Tuesday.

Present there were Chairman of the National Reconciliation Council Kim Yong Dae who is chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party, Ri Kil Song and Kim Wan Su, presidium members of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea, officials of the Council for the Reunification of Tangun's Nation, officials concerned and working people in Pyongyang and overseas compatriots.

They performed an ancestral sacrifice for Tangun.

Then Yun Jong Ho, vice-chairman of the Council for the Reunification of Tangun's Nation, made a commemorative report.

He said that the pain and misfortune of division imposed by foreign forces are unbearable and unpardonable any longer, adding that all the fellow countrymen should open up a broad avenue to the independent reunification by giving full play to the nation's enormous strength and unshakable will for reunification.

He stressed the need to vigorously struggle for the final victory in the building of a powerful socialist country and the anti-U.S. confrontation, united as one in mind around respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, the sun of the nation and the loadstar of national reunification.

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