calendar>>October 13. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korean Body Blasts Trump's Warlike Remarks
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- A south Korean group for peace march on Oct. 10 held a rally outside the U.S. embassy in Seoul to denounce Trump's bellicose remarks and demand a halt to the war drills targeting the north, according to the south Korean online paper Minjok Ilbo.

Speakers called for driving out the U.S. imperialists by concerted efforts of the nation and paving the road to national reunification.

Trump has opted for a war on the Korean peninsula in a bid to weather the crisis of U.S. military and economic hegemony, they said.

Then a statement condemning Trump's bellicose remarks was read out.

At the end of the rally, its participants conveyed a written protest to the U.S. embassy.

They marched from the embassy to the building of the "government", holding placards reading "Trump is a war maniac!", "Trump is Hitler in the 21st century!" and "Shut up your mouth, Trump!"

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