calendar>>October 27. 2017 Juche 106
Anti-U.S., Anti-War Struggle Launched in S. Korea
Pyongyang, October 27 (KCNA) -- The Anti-Trump and Anti-U.S. Struggle Headquarters of south Korea denounced war lunatic Trump's hysteria for a nuclear war against the DPRK at a rally held outside the U.S. imperialist aggression forces' base in Taegu on Oct. 23, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Minjok Ilbo.

The speakers at the rally charged that the U.S. has resorted to frantic war exercises against the north on the Korean peninsula in the wake of Trump's wild outburst.

The reason why the war is averted is because the north is possessed of nuclear weapons, they said.

They vowed to struggle with people while touring all the areas in order to prevent a war.

A statement released there denounced the U.S. for holding nuclear war exercises against the north after introducing U.S. strategic assets into south Korea time and again.

Trump will face anti-U.S. resistance of the enraged south Koreans should he persist in the moves for a war of aggression against the north, warned the statement.

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