calendar>>October 27. 2017 Juche 106
Struggle for Removal of Evils and Peace Gains Momentum in S. Korea
Pyongyang, October 27 (KCNA) -- People from all walks of life in south Korea are reportedly intensifying the struggle to remove the evils of the conservative regimes and defend peace on the Korean peninsula with the first anniversary of the start of all-people resistance which resulted in the resignation of traitor Park Geun Hye as an occasion.

They recently launched candlelight actions to demand probe into the truth behind the ferry Sewol disaster, the arrest of Lee Myung Bak and repeal of Trump's anti-DPRK policy.

Organizations of different social standings and inhabitants started the candlelight rally again in Kwanghawmun plaza of Seoul on Oct. 21 and planned to hold a large-scale event marking the first anniversary across south Korea on Oct. 28.

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