calendar>>November 4. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korean Authorities' Act of Challenging Mindset of Candlelight Demonstrators under Fire
Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- The behaviors of the present south Korean authorities now a year after the start of the candlelight action for resignation of Park Geun Hye are little short of what the regimes of Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye did, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says in an article.

The article goes on:

As south Korean people asserted, the traitorous policies of the conservative regimes have been carried forward though the "president" and ministers were replaced.

The present south Korean authorities' "policy toward north", billed as "simultaneous development of sanctions and pressure with dialogue", is, in essence, little different from the confrontation policy pursued by the former conservative regimes.

Their nonsensical policy of "simultaneous development of sanctions and pressure with dialogue" is a copy of the present U.S. administration's worst anti-DPRK policy billed as "maximum pressure and engagement".

Distrust and confrontation between the north and the south were aggravated and the way for improvement of the inter-Korean relations has been blocked as the present south Korean ruling quarters adopted the criminal policy of confrontation for tightening sanctions and pressure on the DPRK in collusion with outsiders under the pretext of "settlement of the north's nuclear issue" as traitors Lee and Park did.

When the south Korean authorities get hell-bent on the confrontation moves together with the U.S., disregarding the candlelight demonstrators' demand for removal of evils, the conservative forces are swimming against the trend of history, seeking their revival.

However, they connive at such moves of the conservatives insulting the mindset of the candlelight holders, talking about "cooperative measure".

The present authorities of south Korea follow the Lee and Park groups' policy of sycophancy toward the U.S. and confrontation against the fellow countrymen, reading the face of the U.S. and the conservative forces. This is little short of an act of going against the mindset of the candlelight demonstrators and pricking their own eyes with their own fingers.

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