calendar>>November 10. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Jong Un's Work Introduced in Brazil
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- The Brazilian Center for the Study of Songun Politics posted on its website the full text of Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un's work "Let Us March Forward Dynamically towards Final Victory, Holding Higher the Banner of Songun" on Nov. 3.

The work, published on April 15, Juche 101 (2012), says that the 100-year history of Kim Il Sung's nation clearly proves the immutable truth that an outstanding leader assures the dignity and prosperity of the country and the nation.

It sets forth the tasks for glorifying the dignity of Songun Korea for all ages and successfully realizing the cause of building a thriving socialist nation.

The website carried a photo of Kim Jong Un.

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