calendar>>November 10. 2017 Juche 106
Color Illumination LED System for Plant Growth Developed
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- The Institute of Electronic Goods in the DPRK recently developed a color illumination LED system good for the plant growth.

This system uses color LED as a source of light. It gives out the light of wavelength band effective for plant growth even in the winter season, thus shortening the growing period.

Ri Myong Chol, section chief of the institute, told KCNA:

The color illumination LED system has already been introduced into greenhouses of the Central Botanical Garden and the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection, proving effective.

The sapling grown in the method of tissue culture under this system is more superior in quality to the sapling brought up in the method of tissue culture under the fluorescent lamp light and is 2.4 percent higher in differentiation percentage.

The color LED lamps give no harmful effect to the leaf.

This system is being introduced at greenhouses across the country, including those of the Korea Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Committee.

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