calendar>>December 24. 2017 Juche 106
Seminar of Social Scientists Marks Centenary of Birth of Kim Jong Suk
Hoeryong, December 24 (KCNA) -- A seminar of social scientists took place in Hoeryong City, North Hamgyong Province on Sunday to mark the centenary of birth of the anti-Japanese war heroine Kim Jong Suk.

Attending it were researchers, teachers, journalists and lecturers in the fields of science, education, preservation of revolutionary relics and media and party cadre training institutions.

Presented to it were papers on the revolutionary life and exploits of Kim Jong Suk.

Speakers said that Kim Jong Suk upheld the idea and cause of President Kim Il Sung throughout her revolutionary life and created noble example and tradition of loyalty to the leader.

What constituted the core of her military traits and disposition as the woman commander of Mt Paektu were her rare military wisdom, outstanding strategy, bold spirit and matchless bravery and mysterious marksmanship, they said, adding:

She was a distinguished woman political activist who developed the Korean women's movement into the Juche-based women's movement in which Kim Il Sung's idea and leadership have been firmly established.

Her feats are deeply cherished in the minds of the Korean people to shine century after century, they stressed.

They made pledges to glorify the revolutionary life and exploits of Kim Jong Suk and bring about a surge in implementing the tasks set forth in the 2nd plenary session of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

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