calendar>>August 1. 2018 Juche 107
Rodong Sinmun on People's Genuine Life in DPRK
Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- The DPRK is a socialist country which has been cherished in its people's mind as the benevolent bosom where they lead an independent and creative life and happiness of all generations is ensured for 70 years.

Rodong Sinmun stresses this in an article on Wednesday.

The seven decades-long history of the DPRK is a history of gigantic struggle and renovation in which the people have become master of the country and created the world example of genuine socialist construction under the guidance of the great leaders and the great Party and a history of high pride in which dreams and ideals of the people have come true, the article says, and goes on:

The Korean people have enjoyed the most dignified life in the bosom of the DPRK for 70 years.

Ordinary workers, peasants and intellectuals have become deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly to discuss state affairs and conduct free socio-political activities. This is a true picture that can be found only in the Korean-style socialist society.

Our society is the best in the world as everyone enjoys happiness in very stable living condition, helping and leading each other though their life is not so luxurious and rich.

The principle of collectivism, "One for all and all for one!", definitely dominates the spiritual and moral life of the people and all of them live in harmony, forming a big family irrespective of the post, position and age. This is the true picture of our society.

The Korean people have led a worthwhile and happy life to the full, along with the history of development of the most dignified and powerful DPRK. This is the greatest privilege granted on them who are blessed with the great leaders through generations.

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