October 25. 2020 Juche 109
Choe Ryong Hae Inspects Various Ris in South, North Hwanghae Provinces
Founding Anniversary of WPK Marked in Russia
Feats of CPV Martyrs Will Shine Forever in History of DPRK-China Friendship: Rodong Sinmun
Movement for Winning Title of Forest of Socialist Patriotism Brisk in DPRK
People Move to New Houses Built in Disaster-stricken Areas in Kangwon Province

For Spanish-speaking People
Choe Ryong Hae recorre las comunas de ambas provincias de Hwanghae
Conmemoran en Rusia el 75o aniversario de fundacion del PTC
Rodong Sinmun recuerda en editorial los meritos de martires chinos
Tienen lugar mudanzas a nuevas viviendas en la provincia de Kangwon

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