January 11. 2021 Juche 110
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Elected General Secretary of WPK
Great Political Event to Be Etched in History of Development of Great WPK and Sacred Juche Revolution
1st Plenary Meeting of 8th WPK Central Committee Held under Guidance of General Secretary of WPK Kim Jong Un
Press Release of First Plenary Meeting of 8th Central Committee of WPK Issued
Press Release of 8th Congress of WPK
To Hold Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un as Head of WPK Is Firm Will of Millions of Party Members and Other People: Ri Il Hwan
Congratulatory Messages and Letters to Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un from Different Countries
Great Auspicious Event Adding Glory to WPK
Ryugyong Mushroom Farm

For Spanish-speaking People
Elegido Maximo Dirigente Kim Jong Un como Secretario General del PTC
Gran evento politico que se registrara con letras mayusculas en la historia de desarrollo del PTC y de la sagrada revolucion del Juche
Sesionado primer pleno del VIII Congreso del PTC bajo la guia del Secretario General Kim Jong Un
Informacion oficial sobre la primera sesion plenaria del VIII Periodo del CC del PTC
Informacion oficial del VIII Congreso del PTC
Todos los militantes y habitantes tienen la firme voluntad de enaltecer al Maximo Dirigente Kim Jong Un como lider del PTC

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