calendar>>February 13. 2021 Juche 110
Rodong Sinmun Calls on Officials to Fulfill Their Responsibility
Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un in his conclusion at the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea stressed the need for the officials, the leading personnel of the revolution, to fulfill their responsibility and duty in the van of the on-going advance, says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in an article.

This reflects his trust and expectations that the officials would glorify every day with deeds of loyalty and feats by making selfless and devoted efforts for the good of the people with great working ability, enthusiasm and dedication, the article notes, and goes on:

Our officials are produced among the people. They are sons and daughters of the people, who are working, thanks to the trust by the latter. They can lead a worthwhile life only when they dedicate themselves to the people and find their pleasure and satisfaction in doing so. The times want the official who always disciplines himself, thinks of what he has done for the people and what he failed to do for the good of the people and puts his heart and soul into relieving the troubles of the people and solving their urgent problems.

There is nothing insurmountable if the officials all turn out in dedicating themselves to the people, deeming the trust by the Party and the people as the one representing their life and destiny.

All officials should fulfill their responsibility and duty in the struggle for implementing the decisions of the Party congress, deeply aware that their loyalty to the Party, revolutionary spirit and spirit of serving the people are verified and appraised through everyday jobs.

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