calendar>>September 3. 2021 Juche 110
Changgwang Kindergarten
Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Preschool education has been encouraged in the DPRK.

Changgwang Kindergarten in the capital city of Pyongyang is one of the units taking the lead in this work.

According to its head Jon Chang Suk who is a winner of the title of People's Teacher, the kindergarten regards it as a principle to discover the natural talents of children and give lessons suited to their aptitude.

Its teachers are all university graduates. Among them are model professors who won a high appreciation at national teaching competitions.

At the kindergarten, children receive the education in morality, mother tongue, intelligence, sentiments, etc. Teachers give extracurricular education in composition, paduk, abacus, fine arts, calligraphy, dance, singing, kayagum, piano, etc. to those children according to their aptitude.

In recent ten years alone, its children took the top places at the National Competition of Talented Kindergarteners and other various contests more than ten times.

Graduates of this kindergarten have displayed their striking ability in various fields. Among them is Ryu Song I who got seven gold medals and the International Grand Master of Memory at the 28th World Memory Championships in Juche 108 (2019).

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