calendar>>October 30. 2021 Juche 110
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Making Overall Development of Our Socialism
Pyongyang, October 30 (KCNA) -- Socialist construction in our country has now entered the era of dynamism and epochal development under the leadership of the great Workers' Party of Korea, says an article of Rodong Sinmun Saturday.

The era of new development of socialist construction means the era of balanced and simultaneous development of all fields including politics, economy, culture and national defence, the article says, and goes on:

Bringing about the overall development of socialist construction is the immediate task of our Party and government and it is the core of the historic policy speech made by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The idea and determination of the Party Central Committee are to decisively prop up those fields lagging behind other fields which are taking the lead in socialist construction and thus ensure balance among all those fields and effect tangible development of all fabrics of society.

It also aims to open up a new phase where change and development are witnessed in local areas including cities and counties.

Making the overall development in socialist construction is a prerequisite to bringing about an affluent and highly civilized life to all the people.

It is the intention of our Party that there must never be differences in the standard of living though the people live in different places. It is the requirement of our Party to develop not only the capital city but also all the provinces, cities and counties in all spheres of politics, economy and culture and ensure their balanced and simultaneous development while maintaining peculiarities of local areas, guided by the Party policy.

Ensuring the balanced and simultaneous development of all the fields of the country is a key requirement for defending our style socialism and accelerating the victory in building a powerful country.

In order to firmly defend socialism, it is imperative to regard all fields as the forefronts for defending socialism and develop them in a balanced, regular and sustainable way. The socialist cause can be victoriously accomplished only through the construction of a state that has all symbols befitting a powerful country in all fields of politics, economy, military, science and technology and culture.

All the officials, Party members and other working people should brilliantly carry out the tasks set forth by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in his historic policy speech and dynamically open up a new era of the overall development of socialist construction.

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