calendar>>November 19. 2021 Juche 110
River Improvement and Afforestation for Erosion Control Brisk in DPRK
Pyongyang, November 19 (KCNA) -- Every province in the DPRK actively carry out the river improvement and afforestation for erosion control to brilliantly transform their regions.

Officials and working people in various districts and counties of different regions like Pyongyang City, bearing deep in mind the core idea of the 3rd Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, have completed the river-bed dredging and the project of reinforcing embankments with earth and stones to spruce up the appearances of the rivers and their surroundings, which would also enable to quickly drain water and protect the dwelling houses and farmlands when hit by heavy rains.

They also give importance to afforestation for erosion control to prevent the damage by the landslide and protect the forests and farmlands.

Various counties in Jagang Province sent cement to the units responsible for the anti-land-sliding project, and thus finished the autumn project as planned.

Thanks to the devoted struggle of the officials and working people across the country who turned out with a single intention to excellently transform their living areas with their own efforts, the land management like the river improvement and anti-land-sliding project is progressing apace.

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