calendar>>December 27. 2021 Juche 110
DPRK Society Providing People with Genuine Independent Rights
Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a genuine people's country where the independent rights of the popular masses are secured on the highest level.

The state and social system, the state laws like the Socialist Constitution and all the lines, policies and activities of the Workers' Party of Korea and the state are consistent with the independent rights and interests of the popular masses in every way.

The DPRK government provides the people with all conditions for exercising independent rights.

It saw to it that the broad masses take active part in the state control and the socio-political life and made all the citizens do state political life well.

People are fully exercising political rights as the masters of the country, such as suffrage and the right to be elected. Ordinary working people are elected as deputies to the power bodies at all level, including the Supreme People's Assembly, and everyone is enjoying the right to learn, work, etc. by the laws.

From the first days of its foundation, the Republic put forward it as the overriding principle of the state's activities to promote the people's wellbeing and has invariably enforced people-oriented policies despite manifold trials and difficulties.

It has paid deep regard to the people's demand and opinion in mapping out the state's lines and policies and enforcing them. The enactment of the laws and their execution are aimed at defending the people from beginning to end. And all the production and construction have been conducted on the basis of the people's appreciation. This is the true feature of the DPRK.

Even now, the slogan "Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!" is thoroughly embodied in the building of a state and its activities and the top priority has been given to the interests of the people in all the fields of the society.

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