calendar>>July 8. 2022 Juche 111 |
Scientific Improvement Made in Forestry Work of DPRK
Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Officials and working people in the forestry sector of the DPRK are striving to make scientific improvements in forestry work. The Ministry of Forestry worked out a clear stepwise plan for scientific development and is carrying out the organization and command for its implementation. It directs efforts to surveying forest resources and ensuring scientific accuracy in its logging plans. Forestry management bureaus of North and South Phyongan and Kangwon provinces and the mine timber production station of North Hwanghae Province drew up logging plans and various designs based on field surveys and photos taken by drones of cyclic felling areas, thus ensuring the improvement of the IT and scientific level of the forestry sector. The forestry science institute has made successes in introduction of new growth stimulants for saplings and insecticides. Conducted also is the scientific research to increase the proportion of mechanization in forestry work. Three-revolution team members in the Songgan Forestry Station and the Kilju Plywood Factory are pushing ahead with the research work to develop machines and parts needed in forestry work. The forestry management bureaus in North and South Hamgyong provinces direct their efforts to disseminating sci-tech knowledge. |
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