calendar>>October 26. 2022 Juche 111 |
Number of Young Volunteers Increases in DPRK
Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Tens of young people in Jagang Province of the DPRK volunteered to work at major theaters of socialist construction. Discharged-soldier Party-members in Kanggye City suggested enlisting their names in the provincial youth shock brigade and more than 10 young people in the city joined the ranks of volunteers. Youth league members in Songgan and Kophung counties volunteered to work on socialist farms including goat farm. Graduates from Kanggye University of Medicine petitioned to work at clinics and hospitals in mountainous villages and coal mines, while those of Kanggye Teachers Training College expressed their will to devote themselves to the teaching at schools for orphans. A meeting took place at the provincial art theatre on October 25 to congratulate those volunteers. Volunteer certificates were awarded and congratulatory and oath-taking speeches were made there. After the meeting officials and youth and students in the province presented souvenirs and bouquets to the volunteers and warmly sent them off. |
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