calendar>>April 24. 2023 Juche 112 |
Memorandum Exposing Japanese Reactionaries' Heinous Crime Published
Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The Committee for Aiding Overseas Compatriots of the DPRK released a memorandum on April 24 to lay bare the Japanese reactionaries' hideous crimes of obliterating national education on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the April 24 education struggle of the Korean residents in Japan for defending their rights to national education. According to the memorandum, the Japanese authorities have persistently and viciously pushed forward the obliteration of national education of Koreans in Japan, regarding it as a national policy, since their defeat. Koreans, who crossed the Korean strait and lived in Japan under all forms of national humiliation and discrimination due to the Japanese imperialists' colonial obscurantist policy and "the policy for making Koreans Japanese subjects", built national language education centres in different parts of Japan by collecting hard-earned money from their own efforts in order to raise their sons and daughters into Koreans bearing the soul of the nation by teaching them the Korean language since liberation. As time passed, the education centres gradually developed into schools, with the number of Korean schools counting over 500, students at least 60,000 and teachers more than 1,300, in early 1948. The existence of Korean schools in Japan which increase day by day was a headache for the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries keen on the preparations for the Korean War. On January 6, 1948, Royall, U.S. secretary of the Army, spat out that he was going to turn Japan into a protective barrier against communism and thus all anti-U.S. forces had to be thoroughly eliminated, turning towards oppressing the movement of Koreans in Japan. The reactionary Japanese authorities, who received a tempting treat from their U.S. masters, issued an order "On the Treatment of Korean Schools" on January 24 of the same year to the governors in each prefecture under the name of the director for school education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The order issued on January 24, which did not recognize the establishment of independent schools by Koreans and contained the brigandish and mandatory demand requiring children of Koreans in Japan to enter Japanese schools, was a renewal of the notorious "Korean teaching ordinance" which forced assimilation education on the Korean people during the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule in Korea. When the public feelings of Korean compatriots in Japan were leaning to Pyongyang with the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries forcefully dissolved the Association of Koreans in Japan on September 8, 1949, under the absurd pretext of "violent organization" and "violation of occupation policy" and issued an order to disband the Korean schools again in October. The memorandum specified in detail that the Japanese authorities used far-right gangsters steeped with national chauvinism to unhesitatingly commit murder, arson and mass violence against Korean schools and children of Koreans in Japan in a bid to stamp out national education of Koreans in Japan. It said that these acts of murder, arson and group violence against Korean schools and students are an undisguised expression of the Japanese reactionaries' extreme national chauvinism and their discrimination policy against the national education of Koreans in Japan. This is an inhumane crime committed historically and systematically under the manipulation of the reactionary Japanese authorities, the memorandum said, and went on: Thanks to the vigorous struggle of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and Koreans in Japan to preserve the legal position of national education, the Korean schools were recognized as legitimate schools under the Japanese school law of education until the first half of the 1970s. But the Japanese authorities deliberately excluded Korean schools whenever they set up new institutional mechanisms regarding educational matters, thus revealing their immaturity before the world. The Japanese authorities' discrimination against Korean schools and students became more vulgar and childish during the world public health crisis. When the Japanese authorities executed the "emergency student aid payment" measure in regards to the spread of COVID-19 on May 2020, it excluded only Korean University of Chongryon. To ensure the rights of foreigners to education equal to their own people is a main content of the international human rights convention. The UN declaration on children's rights also clearly states that every child has the right to receive education at the basic educational level, and this is the duty of all countries and states. The Japanese authorities, too, loudly advertised that priority interest and financial support should be given to all children in their law on infant education and upbringing amended in May 2019. However, the Japanese authorities, not content with outrageously violating international law and self-centeredly interpreting the convention on the rights of children, which should be held sacred, in conformity with their own laws stained with national chauvinism, gave up their commitment to enforce the "Child Rearing Support Act" to all children equally and mercilessly crushed the juvenile hopes of the innocent children of Koreans in Japan. This is the true colors of Japan styling itself a "law-governed state". The former vice-minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan recently said "The state is taking the lead in letting loose a remark causing discrimination in Japan.", noting that "the person in power has discriminatory feelings against Korean schools and the conclusion that they are excluded from the system comes first and the reason for their exclusion is given afterwards", strongly criticizing the government for brandishing the law to be fair to all people as a weapon of discrimination. The right to education of Koreans in Japan is an inviolable right that no one can deny or deprive and it should never be a political bargaining chip. The democratic national rights and interests of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan are under the strong protection of the law on defending the rights and interests of overseas Koreans of the DPRK. If the Japanese authorities try to obliterate the national education of Chongryon by wielding a rotten militarist "club", they will face divine punishment and be buried in history as a cold cube of ice with no future forever. |
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