calendar>>December 17. 2023 Juche 112
Struggle for Successfully Concluding This Year Brisk in DPRK
Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- South Phyongan Province of the DPRK has directed efforts to the ideological education to inspire the masses to implement the resolutions of the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea and plenary meetings of the Party Central Committee, thus making stronger the fighting spirit of this year.

The province, regarding it as the main line to glorify the immortal leadership exploits of the peerlessly great men, raised the effectiveness of ideological education in various forms and methods, ensuring that the whole process of production and construction is oriented to implementing the tasks given by the peerlessly great men during their field guidance.

Various units associated with the sacred leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il are encouraging the officials and working people to carry forward the tradition of loyalty and patriotism through the erection of monuments to field guidance of the peerlessly great men.

Officials and working people of the Ponghak Vegetable Farm under the South Phyongan Provincial Rural Economy Committee, the Phyonghwa Vegetable Farm in Tokchon City, the Ponghwa Farm in Kaechon City and the Sasan Farm in Sukchon County devoted themselves to the work for building monuments to field guidance with a resolve to carry out the behests of the great leaders and translate the programme for the rural revolution in the new era into brilliant reality.

The farms are conducting a brisk high-yield movement to fill the granary of the country through the agitation on farm fields to let the agricultural workers grasp the feats of the great leaders who put their heart and soul into the development of agriculture in the province.

Officials of Chondong and Songsan mines and the Anju Communications Apparatuses Factory have organized lectures on the monuments to field guidance of the peerlessly great men and visits to the rooms dedicated to the history of their units.

The Textile Mill in Sunchon City, the Furniture Factory in Anju City, the Foodstuff Factory in Kaechon City and other units are intensifying the explanation of the leadership exploits of the peerlessly great men associated with the units, and encouraging the workers to boost the production of goods favored by the people.

The information activities of primary Party information workers at the maize research institute of the Academy of Agricultural Science, the farm machine station in Anju City, the farm implement factory in Sukchon County and others give full play to the mental power of the working masses out in the struggle to successfully conclude this year.

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