calendar>>January 8. 2024 Juche 113
Idea and Spirit of December Plenary Meeting Deeply Studied in DPRK
Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- City and county organizations of the Workers' Party of Korea are making an intensive study to deeply grasp the idea and spirit of the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th WPK Central Committee.

The Party organizations have intensified their study by exactly grasping the essence of the historic report "On the review of the implementation of the Party and state policies in 2023" and the conclusion "On the orientation of struggle in 2024" made by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un at the plenary meeting and discussing the innovative and scientific goals and concrete action measures for new development in the light of the experience and lessons drawn from last year's struggle.

City and county Party committees across the country are conducting the study with the main stress put on making all the officials, party members and working people understand the importance of implementing the Party's resolutions in a theoretical and popular way on the basis of this year's advance orientation and struggle policies clarified by the General Secretary and regard the implementation as the work for the masses themselves.

Through the study, the ri Party committees across the country have encouraged officials, Party members and agricultural workers to turn out as one in the struggle to attain the grain production goal for this year set forth by the Party without fail and fulfill their responsibility and role as a genuine master of the socialist countryside, and to perfect the preparations for coping with disastrous abnormal weather and be more deeply aware of their mission in stoutly pushing ahead with the rural housing construction.

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