calendar>>January 9. 2024 Juche 113
Working People's Organizations Study Documents of December Plenary Meeting
Pyongyang, January 9 (KCNA) -- Working people's organizations in the DPRK are intensifying the study to grasp the action programme, clarified at the historic December 2023 Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, as firm guidelines for a fresh leap forward and advance.

Through study, they find practical ways for fully discharging their mission and duty as ideological education organizations in powerfully arousing the masses to a new general advance.

The in-depth study helps harden the strong will of officials and members of the organizations to hold fast to the ever-victorious strategy and guidelines set forth by the great Party Central Committee as the banner of struggle and steadily and responsibly carry them into practice and thus bring earlier the new era of national prosperity.

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