calendar>>January 17. 2024 Juche 113
Brisk Production of Masterpieces
Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Officials of the Ministry of Culture in the DPRK are deepening their study of practical ways to produce more masterpieces of the times that make the whole country seethe with enthusiasm for revolution and struggle and to raise a strong wind of creating fine works.

The field of stage art focuses on creating hymns reflecting the people's absolute trust in and loyalty to the Party and songs reflecting the spirit of the times, and on the production and adaptation of new and existing art works of various forms that embody the Juche character, national character and modernity.

The fine art and mass art fields pay attention to creating art pieces reflecting the aspiration of the times and the public sentiments, and conducting mass art activities to fill the whole country with revolutionary enthusiasm and optimism.

The issue of taking measures to train talented reserve artistes is under discussion in the field of art education.

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