calendar>>January 17. 2024 Juche 113
Juche-oriented Youth Organization
Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The history of the youth movement in the DPRK is shining as proud annals, in which a world example of the revolutionary youth movement was set and the dignity and might of the Juche-oriented youth organization demonstrated to the whole world under the guidance of the peerlessly great men.

In the early days of his revolutionary struggle, President Kim Il Sung rallied young people of the new generation under the banner of the "Down-with-Imperialism Union" and established the traditions of the Juche-oriented youth movement during the anti-Japanese war.

Under the guidance of Kim Il Sung, who regarded it as an important matter related to the future destiny of the country to rally the youth around the Party after the national liberation and wisely led the work for it, the founding of the Democratic Youth League of North Korea was declared to the whole world at the conference of the Democratic Youth Organizations of North Korea in January Juche 35 (1946).

Under the care of the President, young Koreans unhesitatingly dedicated their lives to defending the country and people during the Fatherland Liberation War, fully displayed youthful stamina in the forefront of the postwar reconstruction and performed world-startling miracles and feats in socialist construction.

Chairman Kim Jong Il, who glorified the tradition of the Juche-oriented youth movement, published such famous works as "The Present Times and the Tasks Facing Young People" and "Let Us Develop Our Youth Movement to a New, Higher Level" to clearly indicate the path to be followed by the youth movement in every decade and stage of the revolution.

He made sure that the slogan "Love the young people!" is held aloft across the country, instituted Youth Day and handed a torch of the revolution to young people, leading them to fulfill their mission and duty for the times and the revolution.

The Korean youth movement has greeted the greatest heyday of its development, thanks to the energetic guidance of respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un.

He saw to it that Youth Day celebrations were held with splendor, arranged grand meetings of young people and provided them with great fighting programmes.

Saying that he would visit all the worksites of young people, he visited the construction site of the power station in the northern tip of the country several times and highly praised the heroic feats of the youth.

His loving care and trust serve as a source of strength for training many young people to be young paragons of noble virtue and creators of new legendary tales about heroic youth, and the young people of the DPRK are now fully displaying their spirit and might in the gigantic struggle for building a prosperous nation.

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