calendar>>January 18. 2024 Juche 113
Event Held in Russia
Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- Photos of Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un were displayed at the restaurant "Lesnaya Zaimka" in Vladivostok of Russia.

There took place an event on the spot on January 12 to display the photos showing the peerlessly great men on their historic visit to Russia.

Present there were personages of relevant units including the International Cooperation Bureau of the Maritime Territory Administration of Russia, the mission of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Vladivostok, the Maritime Territorial Branch Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Maritime Territorial Social Organization "Association for Friendship with Korea" and the DPRK consul general to Vladivostok and staff members of the DPRK mission.

The participants in the event laid bouquets before the photos of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un.

Speeches were made there.

The general manager of the restaurant said that it is a great honor for them to have photos of Comrades Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, the great leaders of the Korean people, adding that the restaurant will remain a witness to the history of Russia-DPRK friendship forever.

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