calendar>>January 22. 2024 Juche 113
Rodong Sinmun on Regional Development Policy
Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The "regional development 20×10 policy" is sure to be realized thanks to the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un, the benevolent father of the people who makes painstaking efforts for the happiness for the people while finding pride and worth of revolution and struggle in their happy looks, stresses Rodong Sinmun in an co-signed article on Monday.

To gratify the cherished desire of the regional people, the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea made an important decision to bring about a radical improvement in the elementary material and cultural life of all the people within ten years by successfully carrying out the construction of modern regional industrial establishments in 20 counties at the same level as Kimhwa County every year with it as a policy task to be implemented without fail, the article says, and goes on:

For our Party, to develop the regional economy and improve the living standard of the regional people at present is an important undertaking that can be no longer delayed or neglected.

Our Party already worked out a far-sighted plan to develop the regional economy in order to turn all parts of the country into developed areas with their own peculiarities and created experience and example in Kimhwa County.

It is the noble intention of the great father that regions of the country differ in the geographical environments, resources, economic potentials and living environments, but there should be no backward area in terms of the people's living standard in the territory of the DPRK.

His plan and determination are science, truth and victory.

As the respected General Secretary lead us and when we absolutely trust and follow him only, a powerful socialist country admired by the world will surely emerge and all our wishes will be realized. This is the firm creed of all the people in the DPRK.

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