calendar>>January 29. 2024 Juche 113
Mass Movement for Support to Railway Sector Launched in DPRK
Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang Municipality, the capital of the DPRK, has launched a mass movement for supporting the railway sector.

Officials in Taesong District learned about railway sections and organized the work in a scrupulous way to finish the projects like the building of retaining walls in a qualitative way.

Phyongchon District sent over 3,000 pieces of railway fixtures, secured by exploring and tapping internal reserves, to contribute to improving the strength and stability of railways.

Working people in Sosong and Songyo districts carried out the readjustment of railroads in a responsible manner.

Similar campaign has been conducted in Sadong District, Mangyongdae District and other districts and counties in Pyongyang.

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