calendar>>February 12. 2024 Juche 113
Transport Improved in DPRK
Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Railways of the DPRK is scrupulously organizing the work to improve transport.

The ministry is pushing ahead with the work to increase the number of locomotives, passenger and freight cars, improve their performance and put railway operation and management on a scientific basis.

The Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Complex accelerates the technical preparations for manufacturing electric locomotives with good traction and operation performance and modern passenger cars.

Railway factories are striving to improve their production capacity by maintaining and reinforcing production processes and equipment.

The ministry is pushing ahead with the work to improve the technical condition of vehicles, complete the train position tracking system and rolling stock identification system and expand and introduce the integrated transport management system.

Measures are being taken to push ahead with projects for laying railway lines, remodeling railway stations, renovating passenger service facilities and equipment at stations and put their operation on a normal basis.

Meanwhile, the ministry is studying and discussing plans for ensuring the safety of train operation.

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