calendar>>February 16. 2024 Juche 113
Fishery Stations Focus on Overhauling Boats
Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- Officials and workers of the fishery stations in the west coastal areas of the DPRK focus on boat repair.

Officials of the Ministry of Fisheries and relevant units worked out detailed and realistic plans for ship repair and provide proper guidance for their implementation.

The Mundok and Kamapho fishery stations under the South Phyongan Provincial Fishery Management Bureau have taken measures for supplying materials such as timber and iron plate, and invented and introduced invaluable technical innovation proposals into fulfilling the fishing boat repair plans ahead of schedule.

The workers of the Hanchon, Mundokthaehyang and Phyongwon fishery stations have over-fulfilled their ship repair plans by introducing rational working methods.

Fishery stations under the North Phyongan Provincial Fishery Management Bureau, too, organize manpower rationally and supply various kinds of accessories in time to speed up the boat repair.

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