calendar>>February 18. 2024 Juche 113
Ideological Work Intensified in DPRK
Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- An ideological education campaign for arousing the masses to the struggle for implementing the resolutions of the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the 19th Enlarged Meeting of its Political Bureau was launched in an offensive way at units associated with the leadership exploits of the peerlessly great men in Kaesong Municipality of the DPRK.

The municipal Party committee has intensified its political and policy-oriented guidance to encourage the officials and working people of those units to take the lead in the advance for this year.

The Kaesong Textile Mill and the Kaesong Songaksan Garment Factory organize visits to the rooms for education in the revolutionary history and the rooms dedicated to the history of the units so as to arouse their employees to the increased production.

Those units in Jangphung County are conducting an information offensive to give full play to the mental power of the masses by enhancing the responsibility and role of primary information workers of the Party and operating the days of instructors of study groups, lecturers, motivation workers in an effective way.

Ideological education is being conducted in rural areas of the municipality, too.

The Phyonghwa Farm in Phanmun District and the Uipho Farm of the Kaesong Municipal Rural Economy Committee are conducting education in combination with the mass movement so as to make the agricultural workers carry forward the tradition of the patriotic peasants of preceding generations.

The Sinhung Farm of the Kaesong Municipal Rural Economy Committee and the Ryohyon Farm in Kaephung District conduct peculiar visual and broadcasting agitation activities to encourage the officials and agricultural workers out in the drive for implementing the Party's programme for the rural revolution in the new era.

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