calendar>>February 19. 2024 Juche 113
Industrial Establishments Updated in DPRK
Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The machine-building industry of the DPRK is stepping up the modernization of industrial establishments.

Officials of the Ministry of Machine-building Industry have conducted operations and command over the work to rationalize the process layout, put the processes on an automated and robotic basis and create standard production environment after grasping the state of modernization objects.

The ministry set it as its main task to turn the Ryongsong Machine Complex into a model of modernization in the machine-building industry and has ensured that the permanent members in charge of its modernization fulfill their duty without fail by enhancing their sense of responsibility and role.

The Jonchon Rock Drill Factory and the Sunchon Engine Factory set it as a long-term development goal to expand their capacity and raise the level of specialization in production. They are now concentrating efforts on the designing of basic equipment and the drawing up of technical assignments while strengthening their scientific and technological forces.

The Huichon Precision Machine Plant renewed the design of fuel pump for 80hp tractor and has pushed ahead with the technical preparations for its production. The Kangso Engine Accessory Factory has installed CNC equipment to establish technical processes in a rational way while ensuring the current production.

Officials, workers and technicians of the Hamhung Wheel Factory have made signal progress in the work to establish a new process.

The Pyongyang Measuring Instrument Factory has pushed ahead with the installation of more than 20 equipment including plastic extruder and lathe and preparations for interior construction in a planned way.

Officials and workers of the Ryangchaek Bearing Factory are making successes in the modernization work while concentrating their efforts on ensuring the accuracy of bearings.

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