calendar>>February 26. 2024 Juche 113
New History of Forestation
Pyongyang, February 26 (KCNA) -- The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un made public his famous work "Let the Entire Party, the Whole Army and All the People Conduct a Vigorous Forest Restoration Campaign to Cover the Mountains of the Country with Green Woods" on Feb. 26, Juche 104 (2015).

His work clearly indicates the orientation and ways for turning the country into a people's paradise covered with green woods at the earliest date possible by directing efforts to the forest restoration campaign, the work of lasting significance, true to the will of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.

After providing a milestone for winning the forest restoration campaign, the General Secretary personally guided the great project for the transformation of nature, noble patriotic work for more beautifully sprucing up the country, with his energetic leadership.

He saw to it that the Kangwon Provincial Tree Nursery was turned into a large-scale seedling producer put on a scientific, industrial and intensive basis and that such modern tree nurseries were built across the country one after another.

Planting trees together with participants in the Second Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the Workers' Party of Korea, aircraft pilots and students of Mangyongdae Revolutionary School, he sowed the seed of patriotism in the hearts of all the people. And he worked heart and soul to cover the mountains of the country with green woods on the way of his ceaseless field guidance.

Amid the vigorous struggle for ushering in a new history of treasure and gold mountains throughout the country, true to the patriotic will of the peerlessly great man, the whole country was given a facelift and lots of units won the title of Socialist Patriotic Forest.

The Korean people devote themselves to planting and protecting trees, mindful of the leadership exploits of the respected General Secretary who is opening up a new history of forestation.

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