calendar>>February 29. 2024 Juche 113
Seminar on Power Production and Saving
Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- A seminar on increasing of electricity production and saving of electricity took place at the Sci-Tech Complex of the DPRK on Feb. 27 and 28, under the joint auspices of the Korean Power Industry Association and the Korean Natural Energy Association affiliated to the Central Committee of the General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea.

Present there were officials, scientists, technicians, etc. from Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, the Electric Power Industry Research Institute under the Ministry of Electric Power Industry, the Electric Power Information Institute, the Natural Energy Institute under State Academy of Sciences and other units.

The seminar discussed the issues arising in introducing into practice valuable proposals for normalizing the power production, minimizing the loss of electricity in transmission and enhancing the generating capacity based on diverse natural energy, and set the future orientation of research.

Highly appreciated were such inventions as a way of exciting a dynamo with a rotary rectifier.

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