calendar>>February 29. 2024 Juche 113
Agricultural Seminar
Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- A seminar took place at the Academy of Agricultural Science in the DPRK on Feb. 28, under the sponsorship of the Korean Agricultural Technology Association of the C.C., General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea. It was aimed at growing robust rice seedlings through the application of advanced ways of disinfecting rice seeds and cultivating seedlings.

Present there were scientists, technicians, teachers and others from over 20 units including Kim Il Sung University, Sinuiju University of Agriculture, Wonsan University of Agriculture, the Academy of Agricultural Science and the Kangwon Provincial Institute of Agricultural Science.

The seminar discussed the ways of growing rice seedlings with the seed-coating material "Phungnyonmo-1" and of exterminating nematode disease and foot rot of rice at once.

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