calendar>>March 6. 2024 Juche 113
Study of Education Science Brisk in DPRK
Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- The Academy of Pedagogical Science in the DPRK, a center for the study of education science, intensifies the research into more perfecting the general education structure so as to give advanced and practical education to students.

Its officials and researchers have put spurs to the project for settling the theoretical and practical problems of education science arising in correctly classifying the types of talents training at the education stage of senior middle school and perfecting the educational structure to give education in conformity with the aptitudes and talents of students.

They have also directed efforts to the research for ensuring the enforcement of elective subjects and the continuity of education at the senior middle school level.

The researchers came up with a new test method that makes the students' preparations for exam a course of improving their creative application ability as active learners.

Recently, the academy set a research goal for putting the contents and methods of education on a more concrete, diverse and practical basis and has worked hard to put them into practice.

Its officials and researchers are now making redoubled efforts to develop the education into the most advantageous and ideal one.

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