calendar>>March 7. 2024 Juche 113
Peerlessly Great Men's Works on Development of Juche-oriented Women's Movement
Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- On the occasion of the March 8 International Women's Day, the people across the DPRK are recollecting with deep emotion the undying feats of the peerlessly great men who clearly indicated the path to be followed by the Juche-based women's movement through their rare ideological and theoretical wisdom and energetic leadership, and projected our women as a powerful force in socialist construction.

In the days of the anti-Japanese war, President Kim Il Sung, with deep insight into the position and role of women in the revolutionary struggle, set forth the original idea of achieving the socio-political emancipation of women and the policy of building a new type revolutionary women's mass organization.

After the liberation, he made public the work "On the Future Tasks of the Women's Union" and others so as to enable the women to fulfill their responsibility and role in building a new country with their concerted efforts.

The Korean women performed proud feats in every decade of the revolution under the wise guidance of the President who provided the practical programme for resolving the women's issue in his work "The Duty of Mothers in the Education of Children" and others.

Chairman Kim Jong Il, who successfully carried forward and developed the President's idea on the women's movement and exploits, published works, which serve as guidelines for developing the women's union into a militant organization that remains boundlessly faithful to the leadership of the Party, making sure that our women fulfill their responsibility and duty for the times and the revolution.

Some works deal with the profound and warm loving care of the Chairman who highly praised our women, regarding their small deeds as great ones.

Attaching great significance to the position and role of women in building a powerful socialist country, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un has led step by step the women's union to firmly carry forward the glorious tradition in the new era of the Juche revolution and the women to make tangible contributions to building a thriving nation.

His famous works "Let Us Further Intensify the Work of the Women's Union under the Banner of Modelling the Whole Society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism" and "Let the Women's Union Become a Powerful Unit in Propelling the Advance and Development of Our Style of Socialism" are immortal programmes that clarify the important guidelines to be consistently held fast to by the women's union in the struggle for the victorious advance of the Korean women's movement and the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche.

"On Duty of Mothers for Their Families and Society", the important speech made by him at the Fifth National Conference of Mothers, deeply moved the mothers across the country.

Thanks to the unique idea and outstanding guidance of the peerlessly great men, the women's union has developed into a powerful political organization in accomplishing the socialist cause of Juche, and our women are devoting all their wisdom and passion to the prosperity and development of the country, the bright future of the younger generation and the unity and harmony of society and families.

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