calendar>>March 9. 2024 Juche 113
National Meeting Held in DPRK to Mark Int'l Women's Day
Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the People's Palace of Culture here on March 8 to mark the 114th International Women's Day.

Present there were Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, and other senior officials of the Party and the government, officials of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea, exemplary women officials and labor innovators and women's union members in Pyongyang Municipality.

Choe Ryong Hae made a report.

The reporter said that March 8 is a significant day of our state and people when the whole country greets with pleasure amid praise and blessing for women and that the worthy words Korean women just like the symbol of the most sacred and proud dignity and rights can be shining only under the care of the great leader and the great Party.

The dignity and honor of the Korean women have been more fully demonstrated in the great era of Kim Jong Un and the Juche-oriented Korean women's movement has written a brilliant history of extraordinary upsurge and development, he noted, and went on:

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who attaches importance to the women as a powerful force for the development of the state and society, has led with his warm love and trust the Korean women to glorify their worthwhile life as the foundation of the times, revolution, families and society.

It is the greatest fortune and honor of the Korean women to have the great father defending the dignity and rights the women value most and providing them with the most proud and worthwhile life while warmly taking warm care of them.

The reporter called upon all the women to become revolutionaries and patriots who are boundlessly loyal to the Workers' Party of Korea and support the long-term development of the socialist country and to add eternal shine to the heyday of the Korean women's movement by following the examples of the preceding generations.

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