calendar>>March 20. 2024 Juche 113
Russian Delegation Visits Liberation Tower
Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Russian Maritime Territory led by Oleg Kozhemyako, governor of the Maritime Territory Administration, on a visit to the DPRK, laid a wreath at the Liberation Tower on March 19.

Present there were Ji Kyong Su, vice-minister of External Economic Relations of the DPRK, Alexandr Matsegora, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of his embassy.

A wreath in the name of the governor of the Maritime Territory Administration was placed at the Liberation Tower.

The visitors paid silent tribute to the memory of the martyrs of the Soviet Army who devoted their precious lives to the sacred war of justice for Korea's liberation with noble internationalism.

Then they looked round the tower.

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