calendar>>March 24. 2024 Juche 113
Work for Securing Raw Materials for Regional-Industry Factories Hastened
Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- North Hwanghae Province in the DPRK is securing in a foresighted way raw materials for regional-industry factories which will be newly built.

With the goal of developing the regional economy in a many-sided and peculiar way, cities and counties are concentrating efforts on establishing cultivation and natural raw material bases in the areas favorable for creating forests with economic value and cultivating crops and on putting the production on an intensive basis.

Working people in Yonthan and Sinphyong counties planted trees in a proper way, considering the regional climate and soil conditions.

Unpha and Thosan counties clearly assigned tasks to units to help the farming preparation and tree planting in raw material bases and organized exhibitions of medium and small farm implements to rev up the social atmosphere.

Sariwon and Sohung counties set it as their primary tasks to expand raw material bases and improve soil fertility and directed efforts to selecting the right soil, securing high-yielding seeds and producing self-sufficiing manure.

Koksan, Hwangju and other counties have adjusted and distributed raw material bases to suit the cultivation conditions and provided materials and medium and small farm implements necessary for the farming.

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