calendar>>April 6. 2024 Juche 113
"Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" Vol. 29 Published in DPRK
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House brought out Vol. 29 (enlarged edition) of "Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works", a library of the immortal Juche idea that systematically and comprehensively deals with the works of President Kim Il Sung in chronological order.

The book contains 57 works including historic speeches and conclusions made by the President in the period from January to June Juche 46 (1957).

The work "On Further Intensifying the Struggle to Implement the Decisions of the December Plenary Meeting of the Party Central Committee" indicates the tasks and ways facing all sectors of the national economy, including the work to raise the utilization rate of machine tools, improve their repair and maintenance and production organization and raise the capacity of electric power equipment to the maximum.

Expounded in some of the works are the ideas of further strengthening the agricultural cooperatives politically, organizationally and economically, establishing the work system and method of managing the rural economy in a planned way in conformity with the new circumstances and making an effective use of mountains on the part of farmers in the mountainous areas.

Some works deal with the measures for bringing about fresh innovations in the fishing industry, such as catching a lot of fish by going out fishing all the year round, improving fish processing and training technicians in the fishing sector in a proper way.

There are also works indicating the ways for improvement of the people's living standards by strengthening the supply of foodstuffs and commodities to towns, workers' districts and countryside and solving the problem of transporting commodities and packing containers.

And contained in the book are works that advance the tasks and ways for carrying out the tasks for the first year of the First Five-Year National Economic Plan, such as the issues of overfulfilling the coal production plan through increased production and economy and turning out much more quality silk thread.

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