calendar>>April 8. 2024 Juche 113
Intensive Agitation Campaign by Women's Union Organizations
Pyongyang, April 8 (KCNA) -- Women's union organizations in North Hwanghae Province of the DPRK are conducting an agitation campaign at the worksites for implementing the decisions of the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Regional Development 20×10 Policy.

Union artistic motivation team members in Kumchon and Pongsan counties have staged agitation at the construction site for regional-industry factories in Unpha County to redouble the working morale of soldier-builders.

Union members in the city of Sariwon have instilled strength and courage into the working people through dynamic and peculiar agitprop in the morning rush hour.

Union officials and members in other areas of the province gave agitation performances at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and farms.

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