calendar>>May 2. 2024 Juche 113
5th National Conference of Heads of Branch Public Security Stations Held in DPRK
Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The 5th national conference of heads of branch public security stations was held at the April 25 House of Culture from April 30 to May 1.

The conference reviewed the work of more than ten years since the fourth conference was held and discussed concrete ways for bringing about a revolutionary turn in the overall work of public security by radically improving the work of branch public security stations, immediate combat units of public security organs and main bases for defending the people.

Present there were Kim Hyong Sik, department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Ri Thae Sop, minister of Public Security, Sim Hong Bin, director of the Political Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, all the heads of branch public security stations and model public security persons from across the country, leading officials of provincial, city and county security organs and other officials related with the work of branch public security stations.

Ri Thae Sop made a report at the conference.

The reporter said that the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified the unique idea of building public security grounded in the Party's view on the masses and people and clearly indicated the principles and fighting strategies to be preserved in the public security work in every period of the developing revolution.

Noting that the strengthening of branch public security stations means strengthening of public security organs, Kim Jong Un saw to it that the 4th national conference of heads of branch public security stations was held as the first meeting in the public security field in the new century of Juche and energetically led security officials to dynamically wage the legal struggle for defending the political security of the socialist country and the happiness of the people, he stressed.

He referred to the successes made in applying the Party's policy on public security to the work of branch public security stations and the good deeds done by security officials in the work for defending the socialist system and the lives and property of the people.

He seriously reviewed the deviations that should be overcome without fail in the work of the stations, after saying that it is the Party's intention and urgent requirement of the revolution to learn lessons even from successes, boldly recognize the shortcomings and make strenuous efforts with fresh readiness and will.

In order to fulfill the important mission and duty assigned by the Party and revolution, the public security organs should enhance in every way the function and role of the branch public security stations, advanced bases of the work for public security, and a revolutionary turn in the work should be brought about by the change of the appearance, working spirit and mode of activities of the stations, he noted.

The general duty facing the branch public security stations at present is to make all branch public security stations groups of faithful servants making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people with devotion so as to defend the political security of the socialist country and the happiness of the people, he said.

For public security officials, loyalty and patriotism are devoted and self-sacrificing efforts of dedicating their blood, flesh and lives to protecting the people without hesitation, he said, calling on all of them to regard the Party's policy on public security as their firm faith and make selfless, devoted efforts for our great state and people, the political security of the socialist country and the happiness of the people.

Then speeches were made.

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