calendar>>May 6. 2024 Juche 113
Britain Drives European Continent into Disaster of War
Pyongyang, May 6 (KCNA) -- Sim Min, an international affairs analyst of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, released the following article titled "Britain drives the European continent into a disaster of war":

British Foreign Secretary Cameron promised to offer Ukraine military support worth £3 billion a year on his visit to Kiev on May 2, adding that he is not opposed to the use of weapons delivered by his country for the attack on the Russian territory.

This is not the first time that the British foreign secretary steeped in anti-Russian confrontation to the marrow of his bones uttered bellicose words. It is well known that Britain is making extreme efforts in the van of military aid to the Zelenskiy authorities.

As already known, after the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Britain provided the Zelenskiy puppet authorities with various kinds of weapons and equipment including MBTs, multiple rocket launchers and depleted uranium bombs. In May 2023, in particular, it handed over long-range cruise missiles to them before anyone else, thus revealing its hostile nature towards Russia.

The recent green light given by Cameron to the use of British weapons in the attack on the Russian territory proves that Britain is making desperate efforts to drive the Zelenskiy authorities into reckless attack deep inside the Russian territory so as to control the war situation of Ukraine getting worse day by day.

There is a saying in Europe that the tongue is more venomous than a serpent's sting.

A chief diplomat representing a country would surely know that an imprudent word of his own might bring about a dangerous crisis in which the flames of the Ukrainian war spread into Russia and again into the European region, and that innocent inhabitants might suffer catastrophic calamities and disasters in this vicious cycle.

Nonetheless, Cameron let out such nonsensical violent words unhesitatingly. Lurking behind this is the sinister intention of the British "gentlemen" to prolong the remaining days of the Zelenskiy authorities, which are now being driven into a tight corner due to the powerful military offensive of the Russian armed forces, and to drive even the last Ukrainian to the proxy war against Russia.

The question is by relying on whom are the weak descendants of "the British Empire", which had been already buried in the grave of history a century ago, running amuck recklessly to destroy the security of Europe by themselves and spark off a new world war.

Scrutinizing the entity of Britain which regards submission to the U.S. and blind worship of it as its physiology, it is quite probable that the U.S. master, who is working hard to prevent the revival of powerful Russia by mobilizing its inferior allies, has exercised an influence.

It is by no means fortuitous that the British foreign secretary flew to Washington before his trip to Kiev and put their heads together over the issue of expanding military support to Ukraine over a long time.

The Russian armed forces, which are now taking the firm initiative on the whole of the Ukrainian front while turning the U.S. and NATO's weapons and equipment into a heap of burning scrap iron, express their firm will to make British military support have no effect on the performance of special military operations and obliterate all British weapons.

Any military threat and blackmail of the U.S., Britain and other Western countries cannot damp the brave fighting spirit of the Russian army and people to firmly defend the sovereign right and security interests of the state.

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