calendar>>May 27. 2024 Juche 113
Women's Union Members Volunteer to Work at Major Worksites of Socialist Construction
Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Many officials and members of the women's union volunteered to work at major worksites of socialist construction.

Many women's union members in South Phyongan Province, including Pukchang County and the cities of Sunchon and Kaechon, volunteered to work in the agricultural sector.

Those in Ryanggang Province including the city of Hyesan and the counties of Kapsan and Samsu volunteered to work at factories and farms.

Women's union members in the city of Wonsan of Kangwon Province advanced to light industrial factories and those in the city of Munchon and the county of Chonnae to garment factories.

Women's union members in the city of Kusong and the counties of Unsan, Ryongchon and Phihyon of North Phyongan Province volunteered to work at forest management stations and horticultural stations and those in the counties of Sonchon, Yomju and Tongrim volunteered to work at salterns and light industry factories.

An official and members of the women's union in Kyongwon County, North Hamgyong Province advanced to the county raw material base station, and women's union members in the cities of Chongjin and Kim Chaek, and the counties of Onsong, Orang, Musan and Myongchon to the Chongjin School Uniform Factory and farms

Thousands of women's union officials and members in North Hwanghae Province, too, volunteered to work at major worksites.

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