June 21. 2024 Juche 113
Press Statement of Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong
DPRK Delegation Leaves for Russia
Participants in Memorial Service for Choe Hong Hui Leave
76th Meeting of National Sports Guidance Committee Held in DPRK
Women's Union Members Meet with Victim of U.S. Crime
DPRK Workers Meet to Pledge Revenge on U.S. Imperialists
Class Education Intensified in DPRK
Lodging Quarter of Sportspersons Built in South Phyongan Province of DPRK
Agricultural Workers Move into New Houses
New Houses Built in North Phyongan Province of DPRK
Signal Achievements Made in Economic Sector of DPRK
Precious Fruition Born by Noble Outlook of WPK on Posterity
Joint Internet Seminar Held

For Spanish-speaking People
Publicada declaracion de la subjefa de departamento del CC del PTC, Kim Yo Jong
Parte hacia Rusia la delegacion del Ministerio de Deportes de la RPDC
Regresan los participantes en el acto de recordacion de Choe Hong Hui
Tiene lugar 76a sesion del Comite Estatal de Direccion de Deportes
Se construye el alojamiento de deportistas en la provincia de Phyong-an del Sur

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